* Rustic (1.0.5) * Possibly fixed some bugs * RebornCore ( * Scannable ( * Fixes potential crashes/issues due to some mods still using null instead of ItemStack.EMPTY. * Greatly optimize the kiln, saw and turntable recipe handlers. Includes O... Shows information about enchantments on enchantment books. As well, we feel these items should not be repairable anyways using this method. SevTech introduces a number of mechanics never before done such as: hiding ore until unlocked, dynamically hidden items and recipes based on progress, new mobs appear as you progress further and much more! Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel. The mod also removed Liquid Green Slime but we have replaced it with a custom liquid. * ReAuth (3.5.2) * Fixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session is invalid * Just Enough Petroleum (0.1) * Adds JEI support for Immersive Petroleum * Bedrock B Gone * Flattens Bedrock in the Overworld, Nether, Twilight Forest, and Hunting dimensions * Nature's Compass * Added the Nature's Compass mod to help players better locate certain Biomes Mod Updates: * Forge: * AbyssalCraft ( * Many Changes See: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/abyssalcraft/files/2551262 * Also: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/abyssalcraft/files/2553883 * Actually Additions (r134) * Worm should no longer attempt to post a UseHoeEvent on farmland. * Fixed RF Energy bars in machine GUI's not updating clientside when certain cables/fluxducts/generators would insert energy serverside. Su... A mod that handles AbyssalCraft integrations. Gültig ab: 19. Coming to Steam and itch.io! * Storage Sack can no longer be opened in the off-hand. You are using Hwyla, a fork of Waila. Adds Change logs, info, and bug reporting tab. * Pipe connection issues with immersive multiblocks and potential other TileEntities that take time to initialize after load. A mod that adds tall fence gates to the game. * Added trade with the FFBH mod to get Corn Seeds. Do you want Automation? * Only items with FE capability can be placed in the energizer. * Fix book crashing when trying to render a missing item (at least in some instances) * Make getSubBlocks also available serverside (pre 1.12 leftover) * Mekanism ( * Make Universal cables ForgeEnergy a bit more cross mod friendly * add factories to jei catalysts if enabled * Micdoodle Core ( * Mob Grinding Utils (0.3.6) * Complete re-code of the mod registries - under the hood changes that needed doing. (3.9.8) Industrial Foregoing (1.12.11-235) Integrated Dynamics (1.0.14) Iron Chests ( Fixes issue with inventories not being visible when in the same chunk as a TConstruct Smeltery Controller (#3696) Item Stages (2.0.49) JEI ( JourneyMapStages (2.0.9) Fixes an issue where JourneyMap minimap would not display when unlocked (#3613) Mantle ( MCJtyLib (3.5.3) Mekanism ( MicDoodleCore ( ModTweaker (4.0.17) MTLib (3.0.6) MystAgrad (1.3.2) Mystical Agriculture (1.7.5) Natura ( Nutrition (4.3.0) OreExcavation (1.4.140) Overloaded (0.0.57) Pickle Tweaks (2.1.3) Placebo (1.6.0) PlayerBosses (1.0.0) PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (0.11.1-361) Adds a way to transmit redstone along pressure tubes using the Redstone Screen Module Primal Tech (0.3.4) Fixes saw stripping NBT (#3542) Quark (r1.5-158) RebornCore ( RebornStorage ( Recurrent Complex ( Refined Storage (1.6.14) Refined Storage Addons (0.4.4) RFTools (7.71) RFTools Control (2.0.2) SevTweaks (0.3.1-25) Simple Generators ( Simple Storage Network (1.7.6) Smooth Font (2.0) Spartan Shields (1.5.2) Steve's Carts Reborn ( Streams (0.4.7) The Beneath (1.5.1) Tinkers Construct ( Tinkers' Complement (0.4.1) TipTheScales (1.0.4) Toast Control (1.8.1) Together Forever (1.0.12-22) Totemic (0.11.6) Triumph (3.17.0) ValkyrieLib ( WAWLA (2.5.273) Weirding Gadget (2.1.16) YNot (0.2.4) Yoyos ( Xnet (1.8.1) Mods Removed: AppleCore Not required - AppleSkin supersedes Caliper Debug tool - not needed in release Sampler Debug tool - not needed in release World Stripper Debug tool - not needed in release-, Bug Fixes: * Propene recipe not matching inputs (#3614) * Changed BWM Adobe recipe to not require Dung Enhancements: * Hide junk from JEI Mod Updates: * Modular Machinery (1.9.5) * MPBasic Tools (1.4.11), Important Notes: * The modpack has had a complete re-write of all the CraftTweaker Scripts to make our lives easier during development along with easier updates. * Toast Control (1.6.0) * Triumph (1.13.0) * Added support for new Better Advancements options * Twilight Forest (3.7.424) * See: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/the-twilight-forest/files/2561393 * ValkyrieLib (2.0.11a) * Wawla - What Are We Looking At (2.5.257) * Fixed horse speed and jump strength not showing. YOU DO NOT need to start a new world. Core Mod containing all ASM for BnBGaming Mods, By: bloodnbonesgaming, superckl, Blargerist. Simple Generators gives you access to several tiers of early game generators. A small reinvention of Minefactory Reloaded. * Fixes two crashes with getBlockFaceShape. Some Aggro Beasts originally made for The Invasion Modpack. * Fix: Omnidirectional Hoppers now respect the sidedness of the block they pull from * Plastic Mixer JEI page now uses Ore Dictionary to show the dyes instead of hard-coded vanilla dye items. Also, previous uncompleted advancements due pack updates or changes should now be auto-completed on world join or able to be completed again. A carttastic mod adding a near infinite number of carts possible to the game, th... Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval. * Mod Tweaker (4.0.16) * Morpheus (3.5.106) * MouseTweaks (2.10) * MPBasic Tools (1.4.11) * MPUtils (1.5.7) * MulitBlock Stages (1.1.1) * Mundane Redstone Ore (1.1.4) * Mystical Agradditions (1.3.1) * Mystical Agriculture (1.7.3) * Fixed a crash involving PneumaticCraft harvest drones * Natura ( * Neat (1.4-17) * Nether Ex (2.0.8) * Pigtificate Villages not spawning * Potion effects from decreasing performance * Forge population not being triggered * Features not generating during the correct stages * A crash caused by the Ghast Queen's Urn position being null * A crash caused when right-clicking Zombie Pigmen * Not Enough Items ( * Nutrition (3.5.0) * OpenBlocks Elevator (1.3.8) * Ore Excavation (1.4.137) * Ore Excavation Integration (2.3.4) * Ore Prospector (1.0.2) * Ore Stages (2.0.37) * Overloaded (0.0.53) * PickleTweaks (2.1.1) * PrimalCore (0.6.102) * Cauldron item storage size has increased, existing cauldrons will need to be picked up and placed again * Fix Corn worldgen issues * Fix Worldgen issues * Tonnes of other changes/fixes. Picking up his bow will enable the advancement Mod Updates * Updated Better With Mods to restore the ability to make Unfired Porcelain in the millstone again (1.12-2.0.31) * Updated Together Forever to fix a server sync issue (1.12.2-1.0.6-12) * Updated Item Stages to fix a server side crash (1.12.2-1.0.33) * Updated Better Advancements to stop the screen from fading when your cursor is on an advancement (1.12.2- * Dung Pipe (1.2) * Ender Storage ( * Environmental Tech (2.0.11a) * Fixed Lightning rod spamming console with energy gen values. (Related to performance improvements mentioned above) * Reworked 3rd party wrench support: many more wrenches are now supported * Fixed NPE when using a newly-crafted GPS Area Tool * Fixed (hopefully) semiblocks rendering leaking across dimensions (semiblocks are logistics frames, heat frames, crop supports, spawner agitators & transfer gadgets) * Prestige (1.1.30) * PrimalCore (0.6.104) * Quantum Storage (4.6.8) * Quark (r1.5-146) * Realistic Item Drops (1.2.14) * Reborn Core ( * Reborn Storage ( * Recipe Stages (1.1.1) * Redstone Flux ( * Refined Storage (1.6.12) * TLDR: The mod changed a lot and some things are gone/changed. * Fixed setting spawn or sound chance to 0 causing a crash. * Inventory Tweaks (1.64+dev.146) * Iron Chests ( * Iron Jetpacks (1.1.0) * Item Stages (2.0.46) * JourneyMap (5.5.4) * JourneyMapStages (2.0.8) * Just Enough Items ( * KleeSlabs (5.4.11) * Mantle ( * MTLib (3.0.5) * Mekanism ( * MicDoodleCore ( * MicJty Lib (3.1.1) * MJRLegends Lib (1.1.8) * Mob Grinding Utils (0.3.13) * Changed mob masher to extend kill zone slightly past the block bounds - now exceeds the block by 1 pixel all around - be careful. Magic mod that draws power from stars and their constellations. * Placebo (1.5.1) * PneumaticCraft (0.8.4-303) * The Omnidirectional Hopper and Liquid Hopper now have comparator support to measure their fullness. * Added parrot imitation sounds for Trumpet Skeletons. The Oxygen Collector recipe is now correct and the oxygen can be mixed with Kerosene in the Immersive Engineering Refinery to fuel Rockets * Fixed an incorrect prospector tooltip to say 48 block range instead of 32 * Properly moved Silicon back to stage 4, should be available to use now (#1008) * Moved wooden basin's item stage from 0 to 1 to align with the recipe. Actress and singer Vanessa Williams turns 57 this week, Dylan Sprouse Puts Brewing Company Before Acting Career, This is What Enimem’s Daughter Hailie Jade Looks Like Now. Note, all ores still spawn in the Overworld and Twilight Forest. Fixes potential timeout when first * SevTweaksNPC (0.0.4) * ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) * Simple Generators (2.0.11a) * Steve's Carts Reborn ( * Fixed fluid manager not moving on when constantly using up the carts tanks. We are looking into it. * RFTools (1.12-7.33) * Smooth Font (1.12.2-1.14.2) * Simple Generators (1.12.2-2.0.9a) * Valkyrie Lib (1.12.2-2.0.9b) * Xnet (1.12-1.6.9) * Storage Drawers (1.12.2-5.3.6), Bug Fixes: * Removed the Craft Studio API mod as it's no longer needed * Parrots have now been given a cap since they spawn a little too much in some worlds after I increased their spawn in 3.0.3 * Altered the Vanilla Book recipe so it can actually be made and not conflict with another recipe * Changed the recipe for Dog Pelt Boots to be craftable in stage zero * Tweaked the recipe for the Uncrafting Table to fix a potential progression exploit * Staged the recipes for Buildcraft Pipes * Moved the Hunting Dimension back to stage 1. Allows custom progression for tinkers construct. In Mittelfranken ist gutes Personal gesucht, gerade Stellenangebote rund um die Metropolregion Nürnberg, dem Regierungssitz Ansbach und der Hochschulstadt Erlangen sind heiß begehrt. * Added recipes for missing Natura Grass blocks/slabs/stairs (#3310) * Fixed missing recipe for emptying rustic bottles (#2157) * Tweaked staging for rustic slate blocks (#3372) * Fixed conflicting recipes with a diamond apple (#3446) * Fixed Creative advancement trigger being called by two advancements (#3596) * Fixed Compact Machines Advancement ("Project Miniaturization") being in incorrect stage (#3594) * Fix IE excavator not yielding geolosys clusters (#3025) Enhancements: * Disabled more Cyclic Enhancements not needed for this pack. Feel free to spawn in components to re-make your ships. It just keeps happening. See https://github.com/DarkPacks/SevTech-Ages/issues/3594#issuecomment-471080837 for a resolution. * Fixed Bloodwood and Ghostwood planks crafting each others slabs (#3173) * Fixed Steve's Carts Liquid Sensor recipe to fit age 3 (#3152) * Fixed Better With Mod's Bamboo Chimes recipe to be craftable in age 1, and made the Metal Chimes recipe match * Fixed Primal Tech fibre torch to vanilla torch recipe to allow lit fibre torches (#797) * Disabled "pistons move t es" from Quark to prevent crash with Cyclic Redstone Clock (#3110) * Disabled "What is 11?" Not everything could be covered on auto-complete sorry for the inconvenience (1.12.2-1.10.1) * Better with Mods (1.12.-2.0.32) * Better with Addons (0.3.4) * Geolosys updated to significantly improve their generation so it does not get overwritten by another block or feature and remove the ore. Also, more stone has been properly added to the config to allow veins to spawn in other types of stones (1.12.2-1.8.10b) * PrimalTech (0.3.1) * Mob Grinding Utils (0.3.5) * PrimalCore fixed a localization issue and a few small tweaks (1.12.2-0.6.44) * ImmersiveTech fixed GUI's not working. A bunch of miscellaneous patches for Minecraft. This is another thing we can't control with mod updates. * The crusher is no longer animated when not crushing. All Versions. A mining dimension, or a manifestation of torment? * Set Odin Rounded as default font * Add Nutrient values for Sushi and Spirit Fruit * Increase FBP particle effects * Increase range and size of underground clay clusters * Add Sugar Cane to Survivalist Strainer * Add glider tooltip to Volarkite * Add Ardite and Cobalt dusts * Death Compass can now be crushed into Bone Meal Mods Added: * Loading Screens * RandomPatches ( * SevPatches * Wall-Jump! Jump near a wall and hold the wall jump key (LSHIFT). A mod to make water bottles as thirsty as I am. Can do round-robin, random, nearest-first or furthest-first. * Fix: Gas Lift now works with infinite fluid blocks such as Better With Addons Aqueducts. Better Machines? * Logistics Drones now grab as many of the requested item type as can fit in a single item stack, instead of taking simply the first stack from the inventory. Introducing The Betweenlands... a dark and hostile environment. * Fixed overlooked derp that meant Mob Mashers could be broken by Withers and the Dragon - doh! Forge Capabilities that can be shared by multiple mods, A Tinkers' Construct add-on for those looking to enter the world of armor, Custom Minecraft Objects created from CraftTweaker scripts. May only affect new generation. It is mostly an enhancement meaning you can start a new world if you want. So what does this mean for me? A client-side mod that causes block destruction particles to only spawn in block... A mod that adds a Deep Storage Unit to hold all the things. * Fixed a small glitch where Auto Crafter fuel slot would not consuming items when fuel is at zero. * There is a known bug with being kicked back to the title or server screen after loading into your first world and sometimes after gaining/losing advancements/stages. Allows mob spawning to be gated behind custom progression. Das Programm zum weltweiten Versand (USA) und das Programm zum weltweiten Versand (UK) (im weiteren Verlauf zusammen als das „GSP“ bezeichnet) machen bestimmte Artikel („GSP-Artikel“) aus den USA und dem Vereinigten Königreich für Käufer auf der ganzen Welt verfügbar. Die Plauderecke bietet allen Besuchern von Baby-Vornamen.de einen Ort, um ungestört über schöne Vornamen, die Schwangerschaft oder andere Dinge zu plaudern. * Horse Power ( * Added needed area visualisation when placing HP blocks * Fixed not using correct item for jei catalysts, issue with itemstages * Immersive Tech (1.3.10) * Fixed BlockITMultiblock.getPickBlock() null pointer issue * Improved Backpacks ( * Fixed duplication glitch * Open backpack hotkey now works for Baubles slot * Backpack in Baubles slot now shows on you (you definitely should check out chestplate backpack combined with baubles backpack) * Industrial Foregoing (1.9.2-173) * Black Hole Tank Block now changes color depending of the fluid it contains * Black hole unit extract button now respects stack sizes * Mob Crusher and Mob Slaughter Factory do same amount of damage * Improved fluid handling * Improved tank color handling * Mob duplicator and Animal Sewer shouldnt waste power anymore * Fixed Enchantment Extractor not splitting enchanted books * Tree fluid extractor no longer resets progress when the wood is broken * Inductive Logistics (1.2.3) * Pipe model parts and contents hidden under opaque covers is no longer rendered (the server won't even send update packets for them) for performance improvement. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. * Add patch which lowers the expensive "player presence" check for mob spawners from being done every tick to being done every 10 ticks (by default; you can increase or decrease it). Advanced CraftTweaker Classes to allow making Staged Modpacks that much easier. The most difficult: Eagle, Baykok, flute imbuing have been made much easier to attain especially for Single Player worlds. Well if you have any graves lying around they are now gone. This large and e... By: Benimatic, AtomicBlom, Drullkus, Killer_Demon, quadraxis, Tamaized, williewillus. All it does: Backups. So please ensure you read the changelog and understand the changes done by the mod. * Dye-able bit bags. All the recipes are listed in JEI. * Bookshelf (2.3.544) * BuildCraft: Builders (7.99.16) * BuildCraft: Core (7.99.16) * BuildCraft: Factory (7.99.16) * BuildCraft: Robotics (7.99.16) * BuildCraft: Transport (7.99.16) * Caliper (1.1.35) * CD4017BE Library (6.2.3) * Ceramics (1.3.4) * Minor tweaks and fixes. Control what toasts are enabled, because some of them are useless. * Code Chicken Lib ( * Compact Machines (3.0.10-b207) * Fix NPE when tunnels are being checked on the client side * Only consume one catalyst item instead of the whole stack * CraftTweaker (4.1.8) * Cucumber (1.1.0) * Add guide book system POGGERS * Cyclic (1.14.9) * Sleeping mat now correctly dismounts for you if you try to sleep on the saddle. Use it in creative, or use it temporarily in survival. Bug Fixes: * Changed the Aquamarine, Vanilla Chest, Necronomicon, Prospector, Furnace, Weirding Gadget, Crafting Table, Chopping Block, Channels, Stone Anvil, and Plumbline Advancement to trigger on Pickup rather than the ore block break or needing to craft the item * The Apple advancement should now trigger when you have the item in your inventory * Disable F3 Spawn Chunk information * Fix "Not repairable" tooltip from disappearing once the item is damaged * Removed some default recipes for Abyssalcraft statues * Disable Sphalerite (Geolosys Zinc) ore from spawning * Fixed Baykok advancement - Players that have it already will need to run `/gamestage add PlayerName baykok` * Moved the Iron Chisel back to stage two from one * Animals will no longer flee when placing or breaking a block.
Wer Weiß Denn Sowas Fragen 2016, Verbotene Liebe Soundtrack, Häufig Verwendet 11 Buchstaben, Liebst Du Mich Sprüche, 1 Achs 3 Seiten Kipper Landwirtschaft, Donald Duck Bilder Zum Ausdrucken, Wie Gut Kennst Du Mich Test Erstellen,