n. 1. The rate of inflation measures the annual percentage change in the general price level. 2. a. Inflation (economics) synonyms, Inflation (economics) pronunciation, Inflation (economics) translation, English dictionary definition of Inflation (economics). inflation - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. inflation in English translation and definition "inflation", Dictionary English-English online. Inflation means an increase in the cost of living as the price of goods and services rise. Economists measure inflation regularly to know an economy's state. Definition: Inflation rate is the percentage at which a currency is devalued during a period. Definition of inflation written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. We generally use “inflation” to refer to the overall purchasing power of money in our economy, but it can occur within sectors too. inflation ... Word Origin Middle English (in the sense ‘the condition of being inflated with a gas’): from Latin inflatio(n-), from inflare ‘blow in to’, from in-‘into’ + flare ‘to blow’. In other words, it’s a rate at which the currency is being devalued causing the general prices of consumer goods it increase relative to change in currency value. inflation An increase in the general level of PRICES in an economy that is sustained over time. inflation . ‘Global inflation is not, however, taking off into the blue yonder.’ ‘Even though inflation at 2.6% is low, it is still eating into any money left on deposit.’ ‘It is hardly surprising, then, that inflation … Just like with any other financial phenomenon, there are both positive and negative effects of inflation. In economics, inflation is a general increase in prices and a decrease in the purchasing power of money. ɪn.ˈfleɪ.ʃən. In lay terms, it means $1 won’t get you as much now as it did a decade ago. Definition of inflation noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Inflation means that the general level of prices is going up, the opposite of deflation.More money will need to be paid for goods (like a loaf of bread) and services (like getting a haircut at the hairdresser's). Simply put, inflation definition is the long term rise in the prices of goods and services caused by the devaluation of the currency. Inflation definition: Inflation is a general increase in the prices of goods and services in a country . en.wiktionary.org Sense (1) dates from the mid 19th cent. A more exact definition of inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level in an economy. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In the UK the rate of inflation has been measured since December 2003 by a CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) in order to bring it into line with European Union practice which uses a ‘harmonised index of consumer prices’ to provide a common formula for calculating inflation rates for EU member countries. The act of inflating or the state of being inflated. An act, instance of, or state of expansion or increase in size, especially by injection of a gas. Inflation is a situation of rising prices in the economy. In economics, inflation (or less frequently, price inflation) is a general rise in the price level in an economy over a period of time. All Free. This is devaluation is evident in the fact that the consumer price index (CPI) increases during this period. en.wiktionary.org. Definitions.
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