Dumbledore is one of the major characters in the Harry Potter series. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (juuli või august 1881 – 1997) on J. K. Rowlingu romaanisarja "Harry Potter" tegelane.Enamiku ajast raamatusarjas on ta Sigatüüka Nõiduse ja Võlukunsti Kooli direktor. Arabat eo ankouaat en desped d'e dro-spered abil hag un tamm droch, hogos bugel, … Giáo sư Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (1881-1996), tên thường gọi Albus Dumbledore, là một nhân vật hư cấu trong bộ truyện Harry Potter của nữ nhà văn J. K. Rowling. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was an Obscurial. ), S. of Mag.Q. Albus' younger sister Ariana, years prior to this picture attacked by muggle boys. Alba (disambiguation) Wiz., X.J.(sorc. Nafnið Albus kemur úr latínu og þýðir hvítur en Percival var einn af riddurunum við hringborðið. 1845.) Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (r. ljeto 1881. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (n. Mould-On-The-Wold, Inglaterra (Reinu Xuníu), 4 de marzu de 1881 - m. Torre d'Astronomía, Colexu Hogwarts de Maxa y Bruxería, Escocia (Reinu Xuníu), 29 de xunu de 1997) ye un personaxe de la saga de Harry Potter, creáu pola británica J. K. Rowling. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. . Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was born to Kendra and Percival Dumbledore in the summer of 1881, in the mainly wizarding village of Mould-on-the-Wold. He is the principal of the wizard academy Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series. Ông xuất hiện lần đầu tiên trong Harry Potter và hòn đá phù thuỷ, giữ cương vị là Hiệu trưởng của Trường Phù thủy và Pháp sư Hogwarts. In SuperMarioGlitchy4's videos, he appears especially in the blooper "Super Mario 64 Bloopers: Spells n' Wiztards", in which he's the principal of Hobowarts, a parody of Hogwarts. Ing filem Harry Potter, karakter Dumbledore diperanaké déning Richard Harris lan Michael Gambon je imaginarni lik iz romana o Harryju Potteru autorice J. K. Rowling.. Dumbledore je bio direktor škole veštičarenja i čarobnjaštva Hogwarts od 1956. i smatran je jednim od najmoćnijih čarobnjaka na svijetu. He is one of the major characters of the "Fantastic Beasts" series. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore je fiktívna postava zo série Harry Potter.Bol riaditeľom Rokfortskej strednej školy čarodejníckej.. Bol veľmi učený a všeobecne uznávaný čarodejník, je dokonca jediný, koho sa Lord Voldemort obával, pretože už v detstve to pre neho bol prvý čarodejník, ktorého stretol, a ktorý mu potvrdil jeho schopnosti. Uvod. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore este un personaj din seria de cărți Harry Potter.Este directorul școlii Hogwarts și mentor al lui Harry. He was a half-blood, Muggle-supporting wizard, the son of Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, and the elder brother of Aberforth and Ariana. Albus Percival Wulfryk Brian Dumbledore znany także pod pseudonimami Dumbli-Dorr, Dumbus, Dombi, AllBus Dumb the Door, Dumblethor lub też Dropsoholik – postać z książek o Chorym Portierze, dyrektor Hogwartu posiadający szczególne upodobanie do nastoletnich chłopców. Man kender ham under navnet 'Dumbledore'. Ia selalu mengambil berat terhadap … Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore merupakan salah satu tokoh dalam serial novel ciptaan J. K. Rowling sebagai Kepala Sekolah Sihir Hogwarts.Ia merupakan seorang ahli sihir yang bijaksana dan paling dihormati di dunia Sihir. Men grundet hans død blev … Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (August 3, 1881 – June 30, 1997) is one of the main charactersin the Harry Potter series. Dumbledore was most famous for his defeat of the dark-wizard Grindelwald (Albus Dumbledore… Albus may refer to: . Teadaolevalt on ta Fööniksi Ordu – organisatsiooni, mille eesmärgiks on Lord Voldemorti vastu võitlemine –, üks asutajaid ja juhte. Albus Percifal Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (*1881; †1997) est persona in libris Ioannae Rowling nomine Harrius Potter.Is caput et doctor in Schola Hogvartensis Artium Magicarum et Fascinationis est. Prófessor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore er persóna úr bókunum um Harry Potter eftir J.K. Rowling.Hann er skólameistari Hogwarts, skóla galdra og seiða. I filmene blev han spillet af Richard Harris i de to første. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts.As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the series. He first found Harry when he was a little boy and since then they developed a relationship. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, (c. Summer, 1881 – 30 June, 1997) was the Transfiguration Professor, and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was born to Kendra and Percival Dumbledore in the summer of 1881, in the mainly wizarding village of Mould-on-the-Wold. 1845.) For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts.As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the series. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (r. o. Ei parentes Percival et Kendra sunt, ei frater Aberforth est, ei soror Ariana est. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (r. o. Albus (surname) Albinus (cognomen), or Albus, a Latin surname Albus Dumbledore, a fictional character from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series . je imaginarni lik iz romana o Harryju Potteru autorice J. K. Rowling. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, O.M. Biography Early life (1881-1892) File:Ariana Dumbledore.png. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he became the Transfiguration Professor. Biography [edit | edit source] Early life [edit | edit source]. Albus Dumbledore zo unan eus harozed saga Harry Potter, skrivet gant ar skrivagnerez J. K. Rowling.. Albus Perceval Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (war-dro 1845-1846 - Mezheven 1997) zo rener Skol Sorserezh ha Strobinellerezh Hogwarts abaoe ar blavezhioù 1970. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is a fictional character of the Harry Potter series. . Albus' younger sister Ariana, years prior to this picture attacked by muggle boys. Dumbledore (full name Albus Dumbledore) is a minor character in the SMG4 series. Ia berperan sebagai pembimbing atau penasihat tokoh utama, Harry Potter sebagaimana konsep perwatakan Merlin atau Gandalf. Wikipedia Wikiquote: Instance of: wizard in the Harry Potter universe, Gryffindor student, literary character, film character, theatrical character, half-blood: Part of: Dumbledore family: Name in native language: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: Creator Albus Severus Potter, Harry and Ginny's second-born child; Albus, a character from the game Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia; Albus, a Geomantic figure 'Albus', a cultivar of Rosemary; See also. Albus Dumbledore (ur. Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Pomalo je luckast, ali ujedno i vrlo močan te sliči tipičnim dobrim čarobnjacima kao što su Merlin i Gandalf. ), izmišljeni lik iz romana o Harryju Potteru autorice J. K. Rowling.. Dumbledore je bio ravnatelj škole vještičarenja i čarobnjaštva Hogwarts od 1956. i smatran je jednim od najmoćnijih čarobnjaka na svijetu. w 1881 r., zm. Dumbledore do Syriusza Blacka. In the Harry Potter movies he is played first by Richard Harris, and then by Michael Gambon after Harris died. (First Class), Grand Sorc., D. 30 czerwca 1997 r.) – postać fikcyjna, czarodziej, stworzona przez pisarkę J.K. Rowling na potrzeby serii Harry Potter, następnie pojawiająca się w filmach, grach komputerowych oraz w sztuce teatralnej. A-raok e oa kelenner war an treuzfurmerezh. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (1881 – Juni 1997) er en fiktiv person i J. K. Rowlings romanserie Harry Potter.Han er rektor på Hogwarts, hvor hovedpersonen, Harry Potter, studerer.Derudover er han en af de vigtigste protagonister i bøgerne. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (rojen leta 1881) je izmišljena oseba v seriji knjig in filmov o Harryju Potterju izpod peresa britanske avtorice J. K. Rowling.Dumbledore je ravnatelj Bradavičarske šole za čarovnika in čarovnice.Hkrati je tudi ustanovitelj in vodja Feniksovega reda, organizacije, ki se posveča predvsem boju proti Mrlakensteinu. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Tulisan Jawi: البوس ڤرسيۏال وولفريك براين دمبلدور; lahir 1881 - mati Jun 1996) merupakan salah satu watak di dalam novel bersiri Harry Potter yang ditulis oleh J. K. Rowling yang memegang jawatan Pengetua Sekolah Sihir Hogwarts.Beliau adalah seorang ahli sihir yang bijaksana dan paling dihormati di dunia Sihir. Pomalo je luckast, ali ujedno i vrlo moćan te sliči tipičnim dobrim čarobnjacima kao što su Merlin i Gandalf. File:Ariana Dumbledore.png. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore ya iku salah siji tokoh ing sérial novèl Harry Potter karangané J.K Rowling kang dadi kepala sekolah ing sekolah sikir Hogwarts.Dhèwèké ahli sikir kang wicaksana lan paling diurmati ing donya sikir. (c. Summer, 1881 – 30 June, 1997) was the Transfiguration Professor, and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Era profesor de Transfigurare pe vremea când a fost deschisă Camera Secretelor, iar părinții lui Harry erau elevi la școală.. Considerat cel mai puternic vrăjitor din lume, Dumbledore este binevoitor și excentric, un vrăjitor în stil Merlin. In 1938, he brought Tom Riddle to Hogwarts. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Michael John Gambon (ur.19 października 1940 w Dublinie) – irlandzki aktor.. Życiorys. He was the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry until his death in 1996. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore [1] is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.
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