M. de Haas-Hiemstra (email) Geschiedenis. But once the hairs start to grow longer, they will develop the typical slate coloured, blue mottled coat of the Griffon Blue de Gascogne. 6 stramme Rüden und 2 süße Hündinnen. Although their hunting instinct is strong and they show little fear while hunting, they are considered as docile and trainable dogs, attached to their owner, and friendly with other dogs and children. Praise them and celebrate with them once they get it! Faults include timidity, soft topline, snipey muzzle, cowhocked, splayed feet, and a wolley coat. Their coat shows the same pattern as the other members of the Blue de Gascogne family: the Basset Blue de Gascogne, the Petit Bleu de Gascogne, and the Grand Bleu de Gascogne. Refuxio de Bando, the news from Griffon Heartland, Adopted – Young Griffon in Lugo – Galicia needs urgent adoption. Elfine ist eine ängstliche Hündin, die sich nicht streicheln lässt. Der Griffon bleu de Gascogne hat seine Wurzeln im Südwesten von Frankreich, genauer gesagt in den Pyrenäen. Beschreibung. Rasse Griffon Bleu de Gascogne. They wear their tail in a slightly curved up position. The breed is not so popular in the world. Geburtsland Deutschland. [2] Examples of the Griffon Bleu de Gascogne have been exported to other countries, where they are promoted as a rare breed for those seeking a unique pet. They can hunt alone but they also hunt well in a pack. Temperament of individual dogs may vary. Hence, in Spain they are mainly used for hunting wild boar, while in France they are often used for hare hunting. Griffon Bleu de Gascogne Breed History. En cas d'erreur ou de problème, veuillez contacter Alain Lembert à l'adresse courriel suivante : alainlembert@orange.fr The Hound breed group . Shouting will make them shy away, so if you want to teach them anything, do it in a calm and friendly voice. Eleveurs amateurs de Griffon Bleu de Gascogne depuis 2000, notre élevage se situe en Dordogne (24). The breed has a good nose and a good voice, and is a good and very alert hunting dog for various kinds of hunting, not just as a pack hound for large game. If you cut or shave the hairs, it’s goodbye to the stunning colours the Bleu coat has on offer. The Griffon Blue de Gascogne Of all the griffon breeds, the ‘ Grifón Azul ‘, as the Spanish call him, is perhaps the most recognizable one you will find in Spain because of the characteristic coat: white and grey hairs and dark markings on the body, with dark ears and red markings on the head and legs. GRIFFON BLEU DE GASCOGNE (32) Group : n°6 - Scent hounds and related breeds. This breed is the result of the crossing of a medium-sized Gascony Blue with a coarse haired Griffon Vendeen. Once the hairs are fully grown, they need to be stripped, plucked, to make space for the new hairs to grow. For females, it is 19 to 21.5 inches. In that breed standard, their size was somewhat smaller than the size they have nowadays. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. 29.11.2020 D-Wurf. This happens because the tip of the hairs are white, but lower down they show a grey to black colour. In a few months time, once the hairs have reached their full length, the ‘Blue’ will show it’s true and stunning colours. Tan "eyebrow" marks are over each eye give a 'quatreoeuillé' (four-eyed) effect, and tan is found on the cheeks, inside the ears, on the legs, and under the tail. Storia a lieto fine per un cane da caccia che dopo essersi perso alle pendici di Montalto, è stato curato e accudito da tre escursionisti. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen und Kennenlernen! On walks they will typically stop to have a better look at an approaching dog and observe and analyze – this is not about being shy so much, but rather the Bleu’s way to gauge another dog and decide what action can best be taken. The Blue Gascony Griffon was developed in France. It has a reputation for being affectionate, energetic, independent, lively, and loyal. Vous pouvez aussi retrouver ici tous les élevages de Griffon bleu de gascogne en région Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Alert, keen and enterprising, the Griffon Blue de Gascogne has a fine nose and a good voice and is an intent hunter, yet it … The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is not a hypoallergenic breed. Griffon, geb. The Griffon Blue de Gascogne is a great hunting dog. The breed's temperament is described in the breed standard as being highly excitable, but affectionate. It is an alert dog and excels in every kind of hunting games. Die Eltern: Perla und Baldouin vom Bergischen Geläut Blue Gascony Griffon (Bleu de Gascogne Griffon) Breed Story. They are very sharp and know little fear. Occasionally they end up in a shelter, and this huge ‘teckel type dogs’ need a loving home too. Needless to say: you should never to cut or shave the coat of a Griffon Bleu! Of all the griffon breeds, the ‘Grifón Azul‘, as the Spanish call him, is perhaps the most recognizable one you will find in Spain because of the characteristic coat: white and grey hairs and dark markings on the body, with dark ears and red markings on the head and legs. Bleus are quite friendly with other dogs and are not aggressive: they will rather bark loudly ar someone they don’t like and their voice is impressive enough. Search The Open Directory Project (DMOZ) links for clubs and information about the Griffon Bleu de Gascogne, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Griffon_Bleu_de_Gascogne&oldid=1000034705, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 January 2021, at 05:37. Ils sont disponibles à la vente ou à la réservation et ils n'attendent plus que vous! Their breed name contains the area in which they originated: Gascogne. Height at the withers for males is 19.5 to 22.5 inches. This is a region by the Pyrenees Mountains within the southwest of France. Der Grand Bleu De Gascogne ist übrigens von der Herkunft sehr ähnlich dem Petit Bleu De Gascogne. It is a member of the hound family and was bred as a hunting dog. There are tan markings around the muzzle, legs, under the tail and small red spots above the eyes, which in French are called ‘quatreoeuillé’, and in Spanishh ‘cuatro-ojos’ (four-eyed). Der Jagdgebrauchshundeverband (JGHV) hat den Griffon Bleu de Gascogne (GrBG) als ausländische Jagdhunderasse zugelassen. On mentionne des chiens à l’apparence bleutée dès le 12e siècle dans la région de Gascogne. The colour of the Griffon Bleu de Gascogne's coat is the same as the Grand Bleu de Gascogne, white mottled with black, giving a slate blue overall appearance. No unusual health problems or claims of extraordinary health have been documented for this breed. Originally defined at 42-53 cm, today their height at the withers is generally 50 to 57 cm – but it is not impossible to find exemplars that measure 60 cm or more, because hunters, especially in France, prefer the Bleu to be taller than the standard size. Er entstand aus einer Kreuzung von langhaarigem Griffon und Grand Bleu de Gascogne. Media in category "Griffon Bleu de Gascogne" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Voici notre griffon bleu récupéré il y a presque 1 an à la S.P.A.; c'est un croisé mais nous trouvons, suite à la lecture de cet article qu'il ressemble beaucoup au griffon bleu de Gascogne. Neueste Beträge. Kleur: De kleur is blauwschimmel met platen en een bruin (tan) aftekening boven de ogen, op de snuit en de onderste delen van de poten. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is a breed of dog of the scenthound type, originating in France, and is a versatile hunting dog, used on small and large game, in packs or individually. [1], The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is descended from crosses between the Bleu de Gascogne and the Griffon Nivernais, and possibly the Grand Griffon Vendéen as well. Le Bleu de Gascogne est originaire de France. Alter 9 Jahre. Versatile and fierce with rustic looks, they suited for the most difficult terrains, with a very fine nose and a good and loud voice. This page was last edited on 12 December 2014, at 10:41. Faults are deviations in appearance or temperament that have an effect on the health and working ability of the dog, as well as an absence of expected features of colour, structure, and size, indicating that a dog with such faults should not be bred. Le Bleu de Gascogne est issu de croisements de chiens français anciens, dont le chien de Saint-Hubert. Reste que sa véritable origine … Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen powstał, jak wszystkie bassety, od większych psów, w tym przypadku od dużych gryfonów. In Spain they are mainly used for wild boar. It is a medium-large size dog, not a small dog, standing 52 to 58 cm (20.5 to 23 ins) at the withers, with females slightly smaller. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is a scent hound that originated in France from the mixing of a Bleu de Gascogne and, most likely, the Griffon Nivernais. Elfine, die Griffon bleu de Gascogne Hündin, wurde am 1.5.2016 geboren und befindet sich im Tierheim Arry (Frankreich), ca. La Pagina Ufficiale del Griffon Blue de Gascogne di http://www.cani.com Base de données des pédigrées du Griffon Bleu de Gascogne. Der Hund besitzt eine feine Nase und einen herrlich lockeren Kehllaut, der wie ein langgezogenes Bellen geheult wird. There are black patches on either side of the head, with a white area on top of the head which has in it a small black oval. In den 60er Jahren schien die Rasse ausgestorben, wurde dann aber wieder rekonstruiert. Der Griffon Bleu de Gascogne entstand aus einer Kreuzung des kurzhaarigen Petit mit rauhaarigen Laufhunden und wurde im Südwesten Frankreichs, wo er herkommt und hauptsächlich verbreitet ist, vor allem für die Wildschweinjagd gezüchtet. Like all other griffons they are fond of human company and they do great living indoors, also with children and if duly introduced, they can live with cats too. Bienvenue sur la base de données généalogiques du Griffon Bleu de Gascogne. The origins of the breed are not really clear. Mit Laufhundegruß, Katrin und Volker Ewert. Ear infections can be common in the Griffon Bleu de Gascogne. This needs to be done once or twice a year. 15.10.2012, Hündin, nicht kastriert Hilda haben wir am 23.10.2020 mit vier anderen Französinnen aus Südfrankreich übernommen. Mixes of the Basset ‘Azul’ with other griffon types, can be found as well in Spain. In deze streek worden ze bleu griffonés genoemd. The Griffon Bleu is a harmoniously built briquet, with a very recognizable and elegant coat. The ears and the coat around the eyes should be black, and they should ideally have a white spot on the top of the head in between the eyes. PBGV, PETIT BASSET GRIFFON VENDÉEN, BASSET BLEU DE GASCOGNE, BASSET GASKOŃSKI POLSKI OWCZAREK PODHALAŃSKI, TATRA SHEPPERD DOG. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne has a speckled, rough coat. Die Rasse wird innerhalb des VDH vom CCF (Verein für französische Laufhunde e.V.) 29.11.2020 D-Wurf. As Bleus are smart and inquisitive dogs, they will benefit from training if you give them a chance to figure out what you want them to do. The Griffon bleu de Gascogne is a medium sized, solidly built Griffon of rustic appearance. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is a smart, lively and they attach very much to their owner. Compared to the Vendée griffons, they are far more energetic, so they will greatly benefit from activities like running, playing fetch and swimming. This may have been a Nivernais of a Briquet Vendéen, or perhaps both – but no reference to that is known. However people who want to pet unique dog, import the dog from France and Spain. Teal'c nous rend très heureux, c'est un chien très calme, qui aboit très peu, qui est … Breeds originally used for hunting either by scent or by sight. Texture of the coat should be hard and rough, a little shorter on the head than on the body. [2] The breed declined for many years, but is now experiencing a revival.[1]. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is a medium-large dog, 50 to 57 cm (10.5-22.4 ins) at the withers, with a distinctive rough (shaggy) blue speckled coat, drop ears that are not as long as those on other hounds, and a tail carried up and in a slight curve. Bretonne, au regard du contexte sanitaire et des mesures gouvernementales annoncées a décidé de ne pas organiser d'exposition canine cette année. Images for this breed. Il n'y a pas de chiots correspondants à votre recherche pour l'instant. They have great endurance and need long walks. Nose work and trailing games are highly recommended activities that will also help to create an even better relation with your Griffon Bleu. Vous cherchez une photo de Griffon bleu de Gascogne ? What is known, though, is that the breed was first described in 1920, when the breed standard in France was first laid down. Not a griffon, but we have included this originally French Basset because they are used as hunting dogs in the north of Spain. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne (Roughcoated Gascogny Blue) Labe des Guiblanches - photo: E. Verhoef The Griffon Bleu is an old breed, although it was an unknown one outside the south of France. *19./20.11.20 Der D-Wurf vom Bergischen Geläut ist da! The Griffon Bleu De Gascogne is a small to medium sized breed that originated in France. Outside of France and Spain, the Griffon Blue de Gascogne is considered a rare breed, but in the northwest of Spain they are quite numerous. Blue Griffons on the trai of wild boarl, courtesy: Griffons Bleu del Chamorro. They love to huddle with their human family members on the sofa and they love domestic life. Yet they need the outdoors, for long walks and to browse around in fields, bushes and the forest. Few experts believe that Grand Griffon Vendéen also contributed in its development. Aard De Griffon Bleu de Gascogne heeft een zacht karakter, dat makkelijker tot gehoorzaamheid leidt dan bij de andere Griffon-rassen. When bathing, use a shampoo that is mild and suited for a harsher coat. The Blue Gascony Griffon is of ancient Pyrenean origin. le club du bleu de gascogne, gascon-saintongeois, ariegeois vous souhaite la bienvenue sur son site Le comité de l'A.C.T. Welke griffon de grondslag vormt is niet bekend. Like the Basset Bleu de Gascogne he has the distinctive mottled colouring which gives him the 'bleu' of his title. The colour of the coat is the same as the Grand Bleu de Gascogne, white mottled with black, giving a slate blue overall appearance. They are used for hunting wild boar, but can also be used for other types of game, such as hares or deer. De Griffon Bleu de Gascogne heeft een schofthoogte van 48 tot 57 cm. 08.08.2020 Laufhundmixe im Tierheim Kehl und Offenburg. De herkomst van dit ras is te vinden aan de voet van de Pyreneeën. The only thing that is certain is that they have been created in the Gascogne region in France at the foothills of the Pyrenees by crossing the medium sized Bleu de Gascogne, with a griffon type dog. They are sensitive hounds, with a somewhat melancholic character and initially they may appear a bit shy. As they are sensitive dogs, they should be treated with kindness and respect. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Originaire de Gascogne, il provient aussi du Béarn, une région du midi de la France. At the same time the Griffon Bleu is the exception, because it is the only member of the family that has long hair. The colourful speckled coat of a Bleu is definitely something that will make quite a few heads turn when you take them out for walkies! Basset Bleu de Gascogne. It is an ancient breed and originated in Francein the mountains of Pyrenees. Ces derniers étaient utilisés pour la chasse au sanglier, au loup et aussi au cerf. Griffon Bleu de Gascogne Contactpersoon - Mw. Appearance. Tous les chiens de race Griffon bleu de gascogne en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. The individual hairs, with their tiered colour scheme, already show how a Bleu’s hair ‘mature’. Blue Gascony Griffon or Griffon Bleu de Gascogne 2.JPG 491 × 421; 104 KB. They should not be bathed often, usually once every few months is sufficient unless they roll in something unsavory. There are black patches on either side of the head, with a white area on top of the head which has in it a small black oval. 01.11.2020 Wurfplanung 2020. Read the breed standard. Geschlecht Hündin. It descends from crosses of the Bleu de Gascogne, the Griffon Nervais, and the Grand Griffon Vend. 85 km von Saarbrücken. The breed was developed by crossing Bleu de Gascogne and the Griffon Nivernais. When they are born, ‘Bleu’ puppies appear to be white with black spots and the red markings on their face and legs. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne has a speckled, rough coat and is a medium-large dog, 50 to 57 cm (10.5-22.4 ins) at the withers, with a distinctive rough (shaggy) blue speckled coat, drop ears that are not as long as those on other hounds, and a tail carried up and in a slight curve. This coat needs a good brush once or twice a week to avoid matting and to remove loose hairs and superfluous undercoat. Again, a great family pet that too often is not considered for adoption by French and Spanish families for all the wrong reasons. Hilda ist neben Mirette auch als recht ängstlich zu bezeichnen. De Griffon Bleu is ontstaan uit een kruising van een Bleu de Gascogne en een griffon. 04031124 Griffon Bleu de Gascogne.jpg 1,200 × 800; 378 KB. 4 en parlent. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is a medium-large dog, 50 to 57 cm (10.5-22.4 ins) at the withers, with a distinctive rough (shaggy) blue speckled coat, drop ears that are not as long as those on other hounds, and a tail carried up and in a slight curve. Hundemarkt » Griffon Bleu de Gascogne » 1417126 Penelope - RESERVIERT . Petit Bleu de Gascogne – Kleinere Form des Grand Bleu de Gascogne, die noch nicht ganz auf Größe durchgezüchtet ist.

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