But Salvadorans pay the renta and toe the gangs’ line for fear of retaliation – not out of loyalty or gratitude. The “maras” (gangs) Salvatrucha and 18 have modified their strategy in order to survive police raids and maintain control over the neighbourhoods where they … Five months into a historic ceasefire between El Salvador’s street gangs, El Faro profiles the complex history of the notorious Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). Gangs have mutated from youth groups defending neighbourhood turf in the 1980s to hierarchical organisations that coerce, threaten and kill. In recent days, Bukele, a 38-year-old former mayor of San Salvador, has moved to burnish his tough-guy credentials, targeting a long-time nemesis — El Salvador’s infamous street gangs, known as maras, which he blamed for a surge in homicides. But most people fork over the money. Bukele contra las maras: cuáles son las principales pandillas de El Salvador y por qué es tan peligroso que las mezclen en las cárceles Roberto Valencia Especial para BBC Mundo, El Salvador Sencillamente, ellos mandan. Again, most shopkeepers pay. Prison conditions for gang members worsened and the mano dura operations resumed. The largest maras in El Salvador are MS-13 and the two factions of Barrio 18 (the 18th Street gang), the Revolutionaries and the Southerners. For their part, gangs repeatedly say they want to start a new dialogue to obtain better prison conditions and cut down the number of police raids in their neighbourhoods. The casas locas are hangouts where gang members smoke, drink and perform ritual initiation of new recruits. Most gang members were around fifteen years old when they first joined. The president explicitly linked his gang crackdown to the coronavirus emergency. Former President Mauricio Funes made efforts to improve conditions for jailed mareros in exchange for a gang ceasefire. Ein Fluchtgrund für El Salvadorianer ist die extreme Gewalt: In dem mittelamerikanischen Land beherrschen Jugendbanden, die Maras, die Armenviertel. Girls can also be targeted at an early age, either to join the gang or to become sex slaves. President Bukele's hope in doing all this and then confining the men in the same cell, crowded and mixed, is that by having the members of different maras together, they cannot plan murders that would then be communicated to members outside the prisons. Street gangs or maras, as they are known in the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America (NTCA), comprising El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, have mutated from youth groups defending their neighbourhoods’ turf in the 1980s to highly organised, hierarchical organisations that coerce, threaten and kill to produce a menial subsistence for their members in the 21st century. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The gangs remain rooted in the streets but have now penetrated every layer of Salvadoran society. Es su territorio. As more Salvadorans are expelled from the U.S., the situation will only get worse. The combination of quarantine and the "barrio decision" made by the maras led to a historic decrease in the number of fatalities recorded per day in El Salvador. El Salvador: El violento paisaje de las maras La violencia desgarra a El Salvador, ante la indiferencia de sus élites y de la mirada internacional. https://www.crisisgroup.org/latin-america-caribbean/central-america, El Salvador’s Politics of Perpetual Violence. The U.S. can help by either allowing Salvadorans with Temporary Protected Status to stay in the U.S., or by assisting the Salvadoran government with reintegrating deportees through the creation of job opportunities and improvement of public services. En octubre de 2008, sobre la autopista a Comalapa, autoridades salvadoreñas decomisaron a miembros de la MS-13, un cohete antitanque del tipo LAW y varios fusiles de alto calibre. With 24 hours of the start of the truce, the homicide rate dropped by 50 per cent. El Faro's investigation sheds the following light: the increase in the number of murders appears to be a unilateral decision by MS-13, as the spokesperson for the faction Sueños del Barrio 18 declared that MS had cut off communication with the other gangs and they did not know what the reason for this change in policy was. It’s common for teenagers, especially boys, living in areas controlled by the maras to be harassed by security forces who consider them gang suspects. Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), international gang involved in drug and human smuggling, prostitution, murder, and extortion, among other illegal activities. If asked their age, for instance, they reply, “I’m 17 + 1”. Karim Lebhour, Head of North America Communications, coordinated the project. El presente informe para la discusión contiene un análisis preliminar del problema de la violencia juvenil y la proliferación de las maras y pandillas en el norte de Centroamérica y, específicamente en El Salvador, analizando las respuestas del Estado y de la sociedad civil. Ironically, the crackdown helps gangs tighten their grip. But many more people – some 500,000 all told – depend on the gangs for their livelihood. The President also made known that he was willing to use the nation's resources to defend members of the public force who were sued for the excessive use of force. Salvadorans living in “red zones” have to spend hard-earned money on private transport or after-school programs so that their kids don’t come into contact with gangs. Media reports about MS-13 and other maras depict the members bearing archetypal tattoos and speaking in trademark slang. It was here, in the early 1980s, where El Salvador’s two main gangs were formed: the Mara Salvatrucha (or MS-13) and Barrio 18. Many families will think that their safest option is to go back to the U.S., despite all the hazards that they will face along the way, the possibility that they will be denied entry, and the risk of another deportation. Jeannette Aguilar, investigadora de temas de violencia, señaló que esos grupos criminales restringen el … Gang-related murder is a topic of everyday conversation among families at home, children at school and patrons in bars. foto edh / ARCHIVO Top officials in El Salvador are aware of the magnitude of the challenge. Despite the mareros’ youth, their faces are scarred and their eyes hollowed by years of dealing out death and taking abuse, making them look much older. If a family refuses to leave, they threaten all its members. This may explain the effort by the mareros to recover their territories. Many Salvadorans stay away from public places and even avoid walking down the street. Este análisis se basa en The Salvadoran investigative media, El Faro, contrasted the information obtained through spokespersons for the MS-13 and the Sureños del Barrio 18 faction with that of a police commissioner and an official seeking to reconstruct the circumstances that led to the resurgence of violence in the country and the adoption of these measures in the prisons. Las maras en El Salvador In Maras y pandillas en Centroamérica, edited by I. ERIC, IDIES, IUDOP. After Washington toughened immigration laws, it deported thousands of mareros to their home country in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Al pasar los años, las Maras de El Salvador consiguieron tener un control territorial real. The gangs' decision was motivated by three concerns: first, the less the quarantine was enforced, the greater the presence of the army and police in the neighbourhoods; second, the growth of the pandemic could affect the prisons and infect their gang members; and third, the more COVID-19 infections there were in El Salvador, the less likely it was that medical centres would provide a ventilator for a marero, should he need one. Todas las noticias sobre Maras publicadas en EL PAÍS. In many of these “red zones”, gangs are not just a standing danger to public safety but also a de facto authority that exerts tremendous control over residents’ daily lives. It can also ramp up projects to deter gang recruitment in poor neighbourhoods. WASHINGTON - Las pandillas, conocidas como maras en El Salvador, han mantenido a las autoridades de ese país entre los más violentos del mundo, llegando a tener por un tiempo la escalofriante cifra de 51 muertos por cada 100.000 habitantes. The Global City: One Setting for New Types of Gang Work and Political Culture. Both the press agencies operating in El Salvador and the prison authorities themselves have released chilling images where dozens of half-naked men emerge lined up, sitting in narrow rows, each one's chest touching the other's back, and where - a novelty for the Salvadoran press - men with the letters MS and the number 18 tattooed on their bodies were gathered equally. Managua: UCA Publicaciones Sassen, Saskia. But the politicians fear to sit down with the gangs because that becomes an excuse for another party to attack them”. Tal … The large majority of gang members are among the poorest people in Salvadoran society, living on less than $250 a month. “You can’t work anywhere without permission from the local gang”, says Alex, 46, who worked in construction but decided to leave El Salvador when jobs dried up in his hometown. El Salvador presenta uno de los índices de homicidio más elevados a nivel mundial. The culprit in most of these murders is the maras, the country’s powerful, pervasive criminal gangs. But many more people – some 500,000 all told – depend on the gangs for their livelihood. In any case, the cure may result in aggravating the disease without solving the country's underlying problems of poverty and inequality. Â, El Salvador's brutal condemnation of the maras taking advantage of the Covid-19. The gangs' decision was motivated by three concerns: first, the less the quarantine was enforced, the greater the presence of the army and police in the neighbourhoods; … Mara Salvatrucha, commonly known as MS-13, is an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California, in the 1970s and 1980s.Originally, the gang was set up to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other gangs in the Los Angeles area. The Iran Nuclear Deal at Five: A Revival? With U.S. help, the Salvadoran government should try to counter gangs with crime prevention as much as with law enforcement. Pure intuition can lead one to think of four things that could happen: either the mareros will try to ignore each other - which is impossible, more so in such a degree of overcrowding - or lethal fights will break out in the cells, or the mareros will associate with each other, or an outbreak of COVID-19 inside the prisons will produce a mass death of the prisoners. Illustrations for this commentary are by Molly Crabapple. We come from disintegrated families and extreme poverty”, an unnamed MS-13 spokesperson told the Salvadoran news site El Faro. The maras, in this analysis, are the primary and most urgent problem facing countries such as El Salvador. The second factor is the increase in aggressions, humiliations and beatings of both the gang members and their families. “The state has forsaken these territories and we have taken control of what it abandoned. Another had shot her brother, who was a former government soldier and thus an enemy in the gang’s eyes. Bukele responded with two measures, both published via Twitter: authorising the public forces to use "lethal force" against the mareros and the decision to mix members of different maras in prison cells, in order to prevent communication between them. pic.twitter.com/FdlTqLjsbg, — Osiris Luna Meza (@OsirisLunaMeza) April 27, 2020. The last point on which the El Faro investigation sheds light is the one the official made known to them: the Salvadoran government has no plan to avoid the disputes inside the cells and they hope that they will organize some kind of amnesty in their confinement. The hatred between rival gangs runs deep. MS-13 members will not utter the number “18”. Maras are a significant force in El Salvador’s criminal and political landscape. Nearly 20,000 Salvadorans were killed from 2014 to 2017. No politician dares advocate for it in public. The government can enforce its Safe El Salvador plan, which focuses as much on crime prevention as on law enforcement. The mano dura operations have also caught numerous residents in the crossfire. Over the last three years, gang violence has killed nearly 20,000 people in El Salvador, propelling tens of thousands northward in search of safety. At least once a week, older gang members, or mareros, come by every shop and vendor’s stall in the neighbourhood market to collect the renta, or protection money, from merchants who can’t afford their own security guards. The same year, El Salvador’s Supreme Court labelled the MS-13 and the two factions of Barrio 18 as “terrorist” organisations. La Mara Salvatrucha, las dos alas de la pandilla Dieciocho, la revolucionaria y la sureña, y la Mao Mao. In 2015, the government again launched a “war on gangs”. Porque es cierto. Óscar, the security official pictured above, uses a common Spanish expression, pagar los platos rotos. Extortion and constant fear will likely become the daily reality for thousands of them. The Trump administration is deporting tens of thousands of Salvadorans who have nothing to do with gangs – and refusing to admit thousands more who are victims of the maras’ predatory ways. Less than a month ago, the news came out of El Salvador that the various maras had made a "decisión de barrio" to enforce the quarantine imposed by the government of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele.. El Salvador ha sido durante años uno de los países más violentos del mundo, debido en buena parte a las actividades de pandillas como la Mara … Maras permiten hacer campaña territorial solo a Nuevas Ideas, dice investigadora. A youth who lives in MS-13 territory but whose grandmother lives in Barrio 18-R territory will meet her only on ”neutral ground” or at a place where no one knows their names and faces. Nevertheless, the government continues to rely almost solely on security crackdowns to tackle gangs. Not all gang members are so easily identifiable. To defy the gangs is to court death. The murder rate – an astonishing 103 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2015 – is still sky-high at 60 per 100,000 in 2017. Alternatives to Traditional Criminology edited by J. Hagedorn. In a 2017 survey, 40 per cent of Salvadorans said they approved of torture as a crime-fighting technique and 34.6 per cent said the same of extrajudicial killing. The gang warned the rest of the family to depart. At many of the roadblocks, the bandera is barely eight years old. Había comenzado a estudiar Derecho y a trabajar para mantener a los niños fuera de las pandillas. Nayib Bukele, de todo el Triángulo Mara Norte (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador), es el primer mandatario que vino a darle a las maras tratamiento de criminales.Sin medidas complacientes. In the U.S., politicians invoke the spectre of MS-13’s criminal and social power to promote an anti-immigration agenda. In El Salvador, gangs found fertile ground for recruitment with the country roiled by post-war political upheaval and mired in economic stagnation. Boys aged twelve and older are prime targets for recruitment. Please tell us what you think about this story, Proper nutrition goes a long way to battling COVID-19 and other illnesses, Comcast RISE Investment Fund to offer $1 million grants to BIPOC-owned small businesses in Philly and Chester, Texas Rep. 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So it’s ironic that Salvadoran gangs are partly the byproduct of earlier U.S. immigration policies. It could easily have happened to them or to their neighbours. El Salvador Die gefürchteten Mara-Jugendbanden. Gangs also claim to be providing a “community service” by protecting locals from other criminals and corrupt police. El Diario NY. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Maras. Over the last fifteen years, various Salvadoran governments have tried to crush gangs con mano dura – with an iron fist. There are other steps that can be taken. 2007. The story Luisa tells rings true for the Salvadorans who are listening. Also, to prevent them from using sign language, he has asked that they be held without access to sunlight. The Mara Salvatrucha, or MS13, is perhaps the most notorious street gang in the Western Hemisphere. The sense of belonging offered by the gangs was too much for many of them to resist. Members of Mara Salvatrucha listen to a mass in Ciudad Barrios, San Salvador, El Salvador. MS13. A mara (or marabunta) is a form of gang originating in the United States, which spread to Central American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. One reason why gangs could sink such deep roots in El Salvador is that they provide a sense of pride and belonging to their members, many from poor, broken families. Intensifying gang violence is one of the biggest factors pushing hundreds of thousands of Salvadorans to flee their homes. It was founded in Los Angeles in the 1980s by immigrants from El Salvador and later spread throughout the United States, Central America, and Many members and sympathisers, particularly from MS-13, become teachers, lawyers, local government officials and even police officers who serve the gang’s interests. Less than a month ago, the news came out of El Salvador that the various maras had made a "decisión de barrio" to enforce the quarantine imposed by the government of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele. La investigación concluye en que las "zonas de paz" suponen un camino peligroso donde las maras tienen el poder para negociar con el Estado. El uso de la fuerza letal está autorizado para defensa propia o para la defensa de la vida de los salvadoreños.Instamos a la oposición a que se pongan del lado de la gente honrada, y a las instituciones que controlan a dejar de proteger a quienes asesinan a nuestro pueblo. Unos más, otros menos. The latter two scenarios can have serious medium- and long-term consequences for the country: gangs associating with each other can give rise to another force that is more difficult to control than those already plaguing El Salvador, and if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in prisons, the gang members who survive it will be seen as heroes by the groups to which they belong. In contrast with previous migration waves, there are now fewer young men making the journey in search of jobs and many more families with children and young or expectant mothers escaping poverty and gang violence. In 2017, 296,000 people were displaced. Police officers always wear a gorro navarone, or face-covering balaclava, scared that gang members will come after them and their families. Training and support for police, prison guards and judges could help the Salvadoran authorities target the most violent criminals and ensure that lesser offenders get a second chance outside jail. “The only living force that exists in our communities is the gangs”. We can’t clean up everybody’s mess, he means. The maras, including the infamous MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha, are active in 94 per cent of El Salvador’s 262 municipalities. Extortion at places of business is the bigger problem. But the truce collapsed, mainly due to lack of support from the ruling party, as well as the Salvadoran public, much of which favours iron fist approaches. In addition, the police commissioner told the Salvadoran media that two other factors were at play: on the one hand, gang members are seeing the economic suffocation of not being able to collect the extortions they regularly use for their livelihoods - plus the aggravation that their relatives are not being able to exercise the legal economic activities in which they usually work - so they may be afraid of losing power, and the increase in homicides is "a wake-up call to say that they are still there, with the same power and in control of their areas," reported El Faro. And it’s for the army and police, who wait until after dark to conduct their house-by-house searches for criminal suspects. That’s why it’s so hard to arrest high-ranking gang members, who are usually tipped off about police raids in advance. While it has its origins in the poor, refugee-laden neighborhoods of 1980s Los Angeles, the gang's reach now extends from Central American nations like El Salvador and through Mexico, the United States and Canada… El accionar de estos grupos mantiene también alertas a las autoridades de Estados Unidos. “The maras are important when you have nothing, when you are born dead”, says the Salvadoran anthropologist Juan José Martinez D’Aubuisson. In January 2018, the U.S. announced that in September 2019 it would be terminating the Temporary Protected Status designation, which had allowed 195,000 Salvadorans to work and live legally in the U.S. for nearly twenty years. Ya no se limitan a las esquinas del barrio; ahora, sus operaciones tienen otras dimensiones: son dictadas con base en sus fuertes vínculos con organizaciones del narcotráfi co" 31 .Al analizar el caso de El Salvador, la investigadora Sonja Wolf destaca que las maras Salvatrucha y 18 muestran grandes diferencias con las pandillas tradicionales. Thousands of adolescents were roaming the streets with no jobs and little else to do. SAN SALVADOR, Mar 28 2008 (IPS) - Youth gangs in El Salvador are changing their recruitment methods, targeting ever younger potential members in the slum neighbourhoods of the capital, authorities report. Police raids are often indiscriminate. The borders of the competing gangs’ turf are invisible but well known and seldom crossed. They have mounted massive joint military and police operations in the capital and other cities, arresting thousands. Together, these three organisations count around 65,000 members, according to police records. But numerous others head north to seek asylum in Mexico or the U.S. On the road, they meet other Central Americans like Luisa, fleeing towns and cities in Guatemala and Honduras that are also plagued by the maras’ extortion and murder. Their children could face the biggest danger, as it’s only a matter of time before the maras pick many of them out as targets. Gangs routinely confiscate houses in locations they see as “strategic” and turn them into casas locas (literally, “crazy houses”). A state policy of reserving one prison for each gang has created incubators of crime, allowing mareros to strengthen their leadership, recruit new members and even run extortion rackets from behind bars. A partir de este día, El Diario de Hoy le presenta un amplio reportaje sobre el control que ejercen cuatro grupos de maras o pandillas. Over time, the gang grew into a more traditional criminal organization. After the failure of the 2012-2013 truce, the idea of negotiating with gangs is taboo. Stay on top of El Salvador latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera’s fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps. Reina*, 30, left her small community in central El Salvador with her sister and three children after the gangs moved in. “We are open to dialogue with anyone who wants to hear the MS-13 voice, the gang’s spokesperson told El Faro. This site uses cookies. El 13 de mayo de 2006, Ernesto Smokey Miranda, un exsoldado de alto rango y uno de los fundadores de la Mara Salvatrucha, fue asesinado en su casa en El Salvador unas horas después de negarse a asistir a una fiesta para una miembro de la banda que acababa de ser liberada de la prisión. Review our privacy policy for more details. Many escape to stay with relatives elsewhere in the country. It can promote more programs to rehabilitate jailed gang members and care for victims, especially the most vulnerable such as abused women. Every Salvadoran knows someone who was shot dead by gang members or someone who pulled the trigger. The affluent generally stay inside gated compounds. The president authorized the army to use "lethal force" against the mareros and ordered that in the prisons they mix members of different gangs. El Salvador’s government and its … A marero had thrown a homemade bomb into her neighbour’s house, killing four people. Anyone who doesn’t pay up might come to regret it later. Eric Lemus. Their influence has grown so great that every major political party in El Salvador and Honduras has at some point paid gangs during elections. And that’s why it’s been so difficult to combat the threat the gangs pose. The lead contributor was Sofía Martínez, International Crisis Group’s analyst for Central America’s Northern Triangle, with editing by Chris Toensing and design (print version) by Kjell Olsson.

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