If you don't specify true or false as an argument, the pause state will be toggled. Warning: use this effect with care ! Removes the scoped character's secret religion. See argument information for disease IDs. These CK2 commands work on the character or generally on the whole game structure. Can optionally specify a failure parameter, considered a success otherwise. Modifies piety by percent (1.0 = 100%) of annual piety increase. Add the scoped character to the target bloodline. The name of the texture file you wish to reload. To swiftly search our database of 144 Crusader Kings II commands, type the name of a command into the search box below. Specify a negative amount to remove manpower from your kingdom. This command clears the specified province flag. These claims will be inheritable and pass on to the children of strong claimants in the form of weak claims. who is heir to the throne when your character dies. This command shows the AI score of each council position for the specified character or title. Removes all opinion modifiers allowing the scoped character to imprison the given character. Enables/disables divine blood/marriage mechanism for scoped religion. Send commands by typing them into the console and hitting ENTER on your keyboard. You need to specify your own character's ID if you wish to change the title of your own character. Currently useless, since embargoes are instant instead of ongoing. The ID of the modifier you wish to remove from a character. The latter can also be set separately using the elective_voting_rules command. Sets whether or not (provinces of) the scoped religion are hard to convert. This command advances all technology to its maximum level in the province with the specified ID. Empire of Sin AoW: Planetfall Cities: ... (Scripting) commands are different from console commands: though some console commands have a scripting equivalent, others do not (for instance player console command). Optional. Adds a weak, non-inheritable claim to a character. This command makes the game throw an assert. Unlike destroyed titles (. Find a list of all title IDs at: Optional - if you don't specify a character ID here, the command will tell you who holds the specified title. The ID of the character you wish to add or remove martial from. This article has been verified for the current version (3.3) of the game. See argument information for succession type IDs. This command will make your current character die of a natural death, making you play as a new character. If not specified, event occurs instantly. This command initiates a revolt in the province with the specified ID. This command opens or closes the specified GUI. This command enables observer mode, in which you do not play a character at all, and the AI will control the game. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings, commands.gg/ck2/blog/console-help#charids. The ID of the title you wish to usurp. This command prints a list of all console commands in the game to the console, or if you specify a command as an argument (e.g. Can be negative. Clears all flags of the current scope that begin with the specified prefix, Removes the focus of a character. All content on this website ("the Site") is the property of CK2 Commands. Scoped characters founds a new bloodline of the specified type, Obligatory. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove learning from the character you are playing as. This command should be run from the home province scope, otherwise the whole court will end up stuck in province 0 when the holder dies. This command enables and disables (toggles) the knowledge of all plots in the game (i.e. Sets how much income the dynamic mercenary title pays to its creator. Specify a negative amount to remove stewardship. All custom localisation is resolved when set, so the description will not change once set. Adds the given character as a consort to the scoped character. This command changes the succession type of your kingdom - i.e. Typing the following command into the console and hitting ENTER would give you 2,500 cash: cash 2500. Crown laws: allow/disallow vassals to wage war, Crown laws: allow/disallow vassals to wage war between them. This command enables and disables (toggles) fog of war (FOW) in the province with the specified ID. The ID of the character to run the event on, or the ID of the province to run the event in. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Sets the ethnicity of character, based on the default graphical_culture of a culture, or of the culture of another character or province. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove stewardship from the character you are playing as. Targeted character will usurp scoped title, Initiate a war, with current character as attacker. How to find character IDs: The ID of the title you wish to validate the lieges of. These are not automatically set on starting a new game, but require manual setting. Also see, Saves a scope into a variable, to be re-used later in an event chain, Saves a scope into a global variable, to be re-used later. If you do not specify a character, the nickname will be given to your character. Clearing the flag allows you to move your capital again (as you can't move your capital twice). Fires a quest event to scoped character. Optional - the ID of the character you wish to remove the artifact from. set_government [government type id] [character id]. If you do not specify a character ID, the trait will be added to the character you are playing as. The collection and assembly of content on this Site are the exclusive property of CK2 Commands and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Your kingdom's decadence will be set to this number (it will not be added to it). This command saves a list of all player events to a file named player_events.csv, which is located in the main game folder. How to find character IDs: The ID of the character you wish to validate the laws (primary holding) of. Copies title laws from title on the right to title on the left. Warning: this lets you have less than 5 holy sites which might cause weirdness. Destroyed automatically when at peace. To open the console in Crusader Kings 2, press the ` (grave) key on your keyboard. The only exception where strong claims cannot be pushed is when the claimant is female and the titles' gender law is agnatic, meaning women cannot inherit the title. This command makes the two specified characters stop being friends with each other. All characters of the targeted religion will be banished to random court, Changes character religion to a random heresy of current religion. The character ID argument may not work. It can later be re-created by the player or AI, at the difference of deactivating it via. Cannot be used by (feudal?) How to find character IDs: The ID of the character you wish to change the secret religion of. Cheats are activated by typing the relevant command. See, Disbands the levies previously created with the given earmark via. Makes an empty holding slot the county capital. Adds specified amount to crusade artifact pot, Adds specified amount to crusade gold pot. The amount of humans to add to your kingdom. neg_opinion [character id] [character id]. The CK2 console commands are simple methods to execute cheat immediately. The policy to set the offmap power to. This command adds the specified amount of humans to your kingdom. The amount of ranks to move your character down in his/her current society. This command removes the specified modifier from a character. These commands are basically cheat codes that target various aspects of the gameplay. The ID of the offmap power you wish to see the holder of (e.g. Make a character interested in joining the specified society. This command sets the specified province flag (to true). This command makes the two specified characters friends of each other. The first type is known as CK2 console commands; while the other types refer to ck2 event cheats. The amount of currency you wish to add, specify a negative amount to remove. This command toggles (enables and disables) yesman mode. Creates casualties for an army (whole unit or a specific unit type) by either a fixed amount or percentage. Doesn't clear ongoing reasons like excommunication. Crusader Kings II. Crusader Kings II: AGoT Useful Commands Guide Posted on September 14, 2019 A list of some of the most useful commands, including some events, to use if you want an added boost in your AGoT games, or you want to construct the world to your liking before you begin. Divide a variable with specified value, or with another variable. offmap_china). Sets whether or not a theocratic head of religion can excommunicate characters of the same religion, Sets whether or not a theocratic head of religion can grant title claims to characters of the same religion, Sets whether or not a theocratic head of religion can grant divorces to characters of the same religion, Sets whether or not a theocratic head of religion can grant an invasion CB on characters of the same religion, Sets whether or not a religion can have anti-religious heads set up. Sets the secret religion of the character to the right-hand-side (defaulting to secret religion, if applicable). set/unset title as being an adventurer title. Sets AI behavior for converting within their own religion group. this character will become friends with the next specified character). Break free the dynamic mercenary title from its creator. Negative decreases base intrigue but will not decrease base intrigue below 0, Changes base learning stat. Find a list of all province IDs at: The ID of the succession type you wish to make your kingdom's. Use, Sets whether or not AI will prefer raiding coastal provinces. This command adds 1,000 technology points for each type to your character (Military, Economy and Culture). This command adds the artifact with the specified artifact ID to the specified character. How to find character IDs: The religion ID of the religion to wish to set the character's to. The province ID of the province to clear the flag for. set_offmap_policy [offmap power id] [policy id]. The below table contains all commands from all DLCs, and is up-to-date for the latest version of the game on Steam (PC / Mac). If you specify just a title ID, the command will print to console the current holder of that title. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove diplomacy from the character you are playing as. The ID of the GUI you wish to open or close. If a building is given as the value, then that building will never be picked for destruction (even if it is the only one left). Sets the specified law for the scoped title. This command validates the government of the character with the specified character ID. If target is a title, uses religion of titleholder. This page lists the codes that may be input into the Console Window, a … WARNING: This cannot be reversed. What message type to use, as defined in messagetypes.txt. This command sets the speed that time goes by at in the game (a number between 0 and 4, 0 being the slowest). Scoped character will inherit titles of target character. The console is opened by pressing § + Shift. Doesn't clear ongoing reasons like excommunication. Note: Count-tier titles can currently not be destroyed, even if titular and not connected to a province. Works in either scope. Crusader Kings 3 Console Commands List and Cheats. Example: script.txt. The ID of the character you wish to add the modifier to. This command will make a character impregnate another character, but the father will be unknown. Note: it changes the face of the character, but not the clothing. Adds a weak, inheritable claim to a character. Wipes the specified temporary flag from the scoped offmap power. If you do not specify a character ID (just the artifact), the artifact will be added to your character. 100%). (its compatible with cheat engine 6.7 and above) 1. Can be localized via, Attrition multiplier (1.0 for normal, 0 for attrition-less), Will have normal maintenance cost multiplied by this value, Scales the army by the given factor * sum of the province's maximum levy and garrison size / 20, Merge all the regiments in this province together into one army. Sets how many consorts man and women of this religion can have. How to find character IDs: The ID of the event that you wish to test. Also see, scoped character will become primary spouse, Whoever the command is scoped from becomes the suzerain, WHO becomes the tributary and tributary_type determines what kind of tributary they are. The player controlling the scoped character starts controlling the given character instead. Also copies de jure assimilation. set_offmap_status [offmap power id] [status id]. Sets whether or not characters of this religion can designate their heir. You need to specify your own character's ID if you wish to validate your own laws. Only takes absolute values. Once the bar is displayed, copy the command, press the ENTER / INTRO key. Specify 'map' or 'postfx' to reload the map or post fx here. More Crusader Kings 3 Content. (Note: the trait inheritance is broken, and has been since Old Gods). This command adds a claim to the title with the specified ID for a character, or for your own character (if you do not specify a character ID). They will neither be removed from AI courts nor be deleted from the saved game to reduce file size. This command reloads the game's language (localisation) files that are located in the localisation directory, applying any changes you've made to them without having to restart the game. This command enables and disables (toggles) yesmen mode. Otherwise, here you should specify the ID of the character you wish to add the artifact to. Adds the specified script flag to the scoped offmap power (check with has_offmap_tmp_flag or has_offmap_flag). It is not known if there is a way to turn this off without restarting your game. it will switch from windowed to fullscreen or fullscreen to windowed). This command makes the specified character execute the decision with the specified ID. How to find character IDs: The amount of intrigue to add. Specify your own character's ID to add or remove martial from the character you are playing as. Constructs target wonder in scoped province, at stage 1 complete. This command kills the ruler and dynasty of the specified offmap power, and then generates a dynasty and ruler. This command will murder a specified character. Specify a negative amount to reduce your score. This command adds the specifiy amount of infamy to your character's infamy level (max. This command will make a character impregnate another character. martial, intrigue, diplomacy, stewardship, learning. If omitted, defaults to scoped character, or owner of scoped province. offmap_china). (The suzerain is the boss, the tributary is the servant). This command runs the event with the specified event ID. Use the play command to resume play again. The character ID of the character to set the flag for. Specify your own character's ID here if you wish to change your own character's culture. This command destroys the settlement with the specified ID. Optional - the character ID of the character you wish to recalculate succession for. You can change your character's stats and age, add prestige, and piety. Setting it to 0 effectively disables the trade route. See argument information for disease IDs. How to find character IDs: The ID of the title you wish to find out the holder of (or, if you are specifying a character ID after, the ID of the title you wish to change the holder of). Creates a quest targeting the current scope or changes the target of an already exist target to the scope. The optional can_join_existing argument controls whether or not the character will join the faction if it already exists, with the default behaviour being no. Causes you to become an observer, putting you under AI control. If you do not specify a second character ID, the character you are playing as will become a rival of the specified character. The ID of the character you wish to banish. If the society is not set, and the character is not part of a society, this will send an error and nothing will happen. add_offmap_currency [offmap power id] [amount]. If scoped character and target character are of opposite sex, will always impregnate the female character of the two. Makes the scoped character leave the society they are currently part of. One-way only, so apply converse intermarry separately, if desired. Adds a script flag to the scoped upgrade. This is a test command, use the event command to run events. If you don't specify a character ID here, the trait will be added to your own character. This command sets the specified flag (to true). Warning: messing with a character's age may have unintended side effects so use with caution. This command validates the lieges of the title with the specified ID. Percentage of income given to creator for dynamic mercenary titles. /province/artifact This command gives your character the specified amount of currency for the society they're currently in. Debug information includes character IDs, ethnicities, AI stages, and more. Specify a negative amount to remove martial. If pregnancy notification is to be avoided, must be called earlier than 2 months pregnancy. Optional. This command removes the artifact with the specified artifact ID from the specified character. https://ck2.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Commands&oldid=42702, Activate/deactivate a titular or de jure landed title. Society can be optionally specified. How to find character IDs: The character ID of the character you wish to imprison. Negative decreases base martial but will not decrease base martial below 0. Applies voting rules to titles with elective succession. This command enables and disables (toggles) true fathers being shown in the family tree. To change how commands are displayed, click the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons. If you do not specify a character ID here, the artifact will be removed from your own character. Removes a modifier that applies to all members of the scoped character's dynasty. Destroys a random building. /bloodline/wonder/upgrade. 3 for 3% more infamy). Norse), Forbids scoped religion to intermarry with target religion. There are lots of cheats available and you can find a good list of them on the best websites on the net like solidfilez. Number of days to add randomly for the event occurrence date, closed-ended (. This command makes the specified character usurp (take by force) the specified title for themselves. This command moves the first specified character to the court of the second specified character. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. Find a list of all event IDs at: Optional - this is only required if you wish to run the event on a character or in a province. This command saves a list of all AI events to a file named ai_events.csv, which is located in the main game folder. This page was last edited on 7 February 2021, at 19:49. Likewise, a cheat s a command which will help you to cheat the game and advance further. Dynamic and can be anything (though requires localisation). How to find character IDs: The ID of the province you wish to change the religion of. Also see, Change the target's culture to the one of current scope, Target character will be imprisoned by the scoped character, Scoped character no longer owes a favor to the target character. Specify a negative number to remove population. How to find character IDs: The ID of the character you wish for the coalition to be started again. destroy_artifact [artifact id] [character id]. If you do not specify a character ID, your own government will be validated. Find a list of all title IDs at: The ID of the character that should take the title. To make the decision taker the tributary, and the target the suzerain, use the second example. Adds a given value to the society's current progress. This command will make the first specified character start a coalition against the second specified character. Doesn't clear ongoing reasons like excommunication. To open the console in Crusader Kings 2, press the ` (grave) key on your keyboard. This command will make the two specified characters become rivals. province_religion [province id] [religion id]. This command makes your character leave the society with the specified ID. Specify 'true' here (without quotes) to pause the game. The file should be placed in your game's main directory (where CK2game.exe is located), which is usually found in your Steam Library. Negative decreases base learning but will not decrease base learning below 0, Changes base martial stat. If you don't specify a trait ID here, the trait you specify will be removed from the character you're playing as. you can make a character older or younger with this command. How to find character IDs: The amount of learning to add. It is only recommended if you wish to collect Steam achievements again from scratch. If it's in the process of adding a stage, it would ""merely"" complete that one. Console Commands are available to make the gameplay experience a little smoother and help the player to progress. Commands are the key phrases that can be used to perform a certain task. Distribute conquered titles among the (beneficiaries of) the most contributing Crusaders. This command may crash your game - it should print to console the number of event currently running. Makes scoped character be owed a favor toward another character. How to find character IDs: The ID of the character you wish to validate the government of. “In short, Crusader Kings II is a majestic feudal sandbox, the greatest generator of hilarious medieval soap opera ever created and Paradox Interactive’s best title to date.” 90/100 – IncGamers “It's perfectly possible to have made a few too many enemies, anger the … This page contains Crusader Kings II cheats list for PC version. Also see. Sets AI behavior for converting outside their own religion group. Crusader Kings 2 Common cheats. Find a list of all event IDs at: The ID of the character you wish to own your character a favor. The character ID of the mother (i.e. Find a list of all title IDs at: Optional - if you don't specify anything here, the claim will be added to your own character. If you want to rule Crusader Kings 3 as a god instead of a mere ruler, you'll need some cheat codes. How to find character IDs: The ID of the nickname you wish to give to a character (e.g. This command will crash your client (quite literally). If you do not specify a second character ID, your own character will stop being friends with the specified character. If you do not specify a character ID here, your own character will be the jailor. Strong claims are only given to the second and third in line to the title upon the titleholders' death. This command switches the map mode to the de jure counties map mode. all GUI elements). they owe you a favor). Also takes relative scopes (FROM, ROOT, PREV etc.) Upgrade in 1 Day 3. Specify a negative amount to remove intrigue. character 1 is jailed, character 2 is the jailor).

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